VIVID, VIVACIOUS & MEMORABLE dreams are the new pattern! For the last 2 nights in a row I've had amazing dreams... I told my niece Krystal (who now has her Doctorate - yes a PhD in MATH!!!) it's like going to the movies every night! I had dinner last night, in my dream, with my great Uncle Frank (who has been gone for at least 30 years) and he hadn't aged a bit. It was such a lovely warm cozy dream... I think this a "symptom" of the cleanse and I like it!
One of the things my sister Sheri was going to include in her cleanse was to abstain from negativity. I really like that idea and have been consciously aware doing the same. An appropriate ritual if there is something negative or less than alluring in any way rotating inside your monkey brain is to consciously rid yourself of it. Write it down, burn it and let the smoke carry it away. Or write it down and wrap it around a rock and toss it into the Erie Canal to sink or float without you if that suits you best. However you do it...
Other than that, energy remains strong and I feel good and so happy to be doing this cleanse with a group of amazing family & friends. Thanks for joining in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol love it! So, it sounds like you guys are having green juice for b-fast and/ or smoothies, then some food stuffs for lunch, and then nothing for dinner or juice for dinner?