Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 3...

Ahhh.... I woke up this morning feeling great.  Well rested and without "the headache" and thus decided it was clearly a barometric pressure thing.  I was a bit shocked and stunned when I felt "it" creeping back this afternoon AGAIN!?!  I poised and sniffed some of that lovely aroma therapy potion "Ejuva Vibram" and did some deep breathing exercises and the little beast subsided.  Yay! 
G commented that he feels like he's sleeping better already, that he has less heat.  You know how these Pitta people can be!

1 comment:

  1. Great, glad to hear your feeling well. I was hesitant to start this morning after reading your headache report, but I went ahead with minimum amount in a green smoothie. I have a busy day with preparations for defense. exciting!
