Friday, April 13, 2012

To colonic or not to colonic is that the question?

I know a lot of health fanatics think one must have colonics or enemas regularly, no matter how clean your diet is.  There is a suggestion too that if you cleanse too quickly you have more detox symptoms such as headache, achy joints, almost flu like symptoms and that one of the above will move that stuff out so you'll feel better faster.  I have a really hard time getting super excited about either idea but at least one could perform an enema on ones self in the privacy of one's home... for a fraction of the price!

Sheri, registered nurse and shopping queen, did some research and found this enema kit online.  So if one thinks one wants to do this "activity" here is the info she shared...

Stainless steel enema bucket with silicone tubing that can be sterilized and reused....   It comes with a book by a naturopathic MD on enemas. This is more expensive than the plastic stuff, but again, don't want to use plastic, and don't want to use PVC or plastic tubing either.

plus extra tip- although the above product comes with several different tips...


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