During the cleanse its best to eat foods which do not interfere with your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and waste products. Most health authorities agree that raw vegetables and fruits (fresh and organic if possible) are the foods that best accomplish this house cleaning. If you are or may be suffering from Candida, avoid zealous fruit consumption. Fruits are said to be cleansing and vegetables are said to be building. *** REMINDER*** Nuts and seeds should be raw and soaked in water overnight to begin the germination process thus making them easier to digest.
Sprouters… don’t forget your sprouts! G and I have been consuming vast quantities and find them very satisfying. We are currently sprouting a green/brown lentil mix, mung beans and black beluga lentils on their own. Maybe sprouts are what turned Ann Wigmore’s’ grey hair brown?!?
You can drink nearly unlimited amounts of freshly prepared vegetable juice throughout the day and throughout all phases. My current favorite, based on what's available at the Farmers Market is: Romaine lettuce, kale, parsley, cilantro (yes it was a mistake the first time but we love it), celery, carrots - including tops, (sometimes beet &/or turnip greens - in moderation since they are strongly flavored), lemons, apples and ginger. G drinks at least 16 ounces/day and I usually have 32+ to help build my still slightly puny blood! You'll find the green juice almost makes you feel... high! If you don't have a juicer I think blended green drinks are worthy. You won't get the instant infusion that juice gives you but you'll sure get plenty of goodness and fiber too!
Happy juicing and keep up the good work!
Sprouts! I almost forgot about them