Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cleanse lessons... Day 28

I can't believe the 28 days are done.  Late starters... do not forget the importance of listening to your body and stay in or go back to the phase your body can thrive whilst cleansing.  Ayurveda and Chinese medicine frown a bit on going long periods without eating, and while my energy is good and I'm getting shed loads of nutrients via green juice I have decided to break my juice cleanse tomorrow and not continue for 10 days.  I will likely break the fast with some of those ruby red fragrant strawberries from Rose, "the carrot lady", at the Farmers Market!

Cleanse lessons:
  1. Consume, eat and drink, veggies in abundance.  Make them the base of my food pyramid.
  2. Chew really well.  "Those people" who suggest chewing your food until it liquefies are on to something.  Chewing well, because your saliva mixes with the food, starts the digestion process thus streamlining the complicated endeavor of well digested food!
  3. On an emotional level with food, I do NOT need as much food as I think or desire or like and if I stay within the 80% full zone I avoid increasing greed.  I'll try and remember that next time I'm faced with an amazing feast.
  4. SPROUTS!  How could I have forgotten to grow and consume these regularly?  They are tasty, satisfying, nutritious, and a great source of vegan protein that we can grow ourselves for pennies.  Plus they are high in vitamin C!?!  Additionally because they are a living food they are super easy to digest.  We've been sprouting mung beans and lentils and I'm able to purchase sunflower sprouts/greens in bulk locally. But even though these are live and easily digested, one must CHEW!
So... on that note happy cleansing and let me know what lessons you've learned for yourself that you will bring along!

Thanks for joining me on the adventure....  I will be experimenting with other mini cleasnes before next years big spring clean and shall keep you posted so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. yes, I will be interested to hear about the mini cleanses whenever you want to share
