Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3 and it seems so uneventful?!?!

I'm surprised at how everyday this cleanse feels so far?!?! 
Yes, the downloads are more frequent!
Yes, I'm feeling less like a puffer fish and my rings are getting loose again...
oh... Yeah, I'm starting to get green juice euphoria.  Or am I just hanging out in veggie heaven?  I am consciously upping my vegetable consumption, both raw and cooked, as well as chewing with awareness.  As G says, chewing well brings out the sweetness of the food. 

Today's favorite was cauliflower, asparagus and zuchini (the first zuke I've seen this season) chopped to similar sizes and sauteed in coconut oil.  Start with the hardest veg and end with the softest.  When they are barely cooked, that's how I like them, I sprinkle a bit of Celtic sea salt (don't know why it's better on these than the pink Himalayan salt) and enjoy with an egg or two or hemp seeds for protein.  DELICIOUS!

While some may have had a rough or delayed start, those of you I've heard from seem to be getting in the groove!  Congratulations... if you are on the 14 day plan, and if your body says AOK you can move on to phase two and up your herbs to 2 times/day.

Happy cleansing!


  1. mmm eggs and ever-so-slightly sauteed veggies are one of my favorites too. I've been starting every day with a big well-equipped salad with hemp oil and seeds on top (or something similar for variety). Our wonderful Vietnamese roommate, Tai, likes to sleep late so juicing/ blending in the morning is not really and option.
    So, I have a question for you. Can one participate in this cleanse without a juicer? While it is easy for me blend, my juicer is not working very well and only the only veggie juice I find for sale in Israel is carrot. I have powdered greens and am a fan of blended cuc+spinach.
    The point of juicing is getting all those nutrients to the blood without taxing the digestion. I see why it is ideal. What do you think? No need for sugar-coating... afterall, sugar is off the list ^_^

    1. I know you know the difference AND I think the increased veggies either pureed or juiced is very beneficial. Some say blended is better since you have all the fiber... pureed is still easier to digest than whole since it's kind of pre-chewed!

    2. + not only that... carrot juice as the primary option doesn't suprise me! Tastes like candy huh?

  2. Carrot juice certainly taste like candy as do dates and many other of Israel's offerings. My increased veggie intake alone has already made a big difference in the way I feel. Part of this cleanse, is re-starting good habits and taking a month to be extra mindful of treating the body with respect. If this is my attitude, then blending is an obvious positive answer. With this little reminder and your words of support (Thank you), I feel a renewed sense of purpose.
