Friday, April 20, 2012

Happiness formula?

Happiness is made up of 3 things!?!

  Formula for happiness:

1)      BRAIN SET POINT (42 – 43 % of overall happiness).  This has to do with genetics and upbringing.  Do you see problems or creative opportunity?  How do you change your set point?  A) Meditation and B) reflection that is cognitive therapy - letting go of limiting beliefs or Automatic Negative Thoughts or ANTS.  When you experience an ANT ask yourself the following:  Is this true?  Am I absolutely sure this is true?  What does holding on to the belief do to me?  Who would I be without this belief?  Then turn it around and write down the opposite.  Question the truth of your own limitations.  C) Drugs – not recommended for long term happiness!

2)      CONDITIONS OF LIVING (7-8% of overall happiness).   Physical conditions, money, job etc.  So if you won a giant lotto, after the thrill was gone, you wouldn’t be any happier one year from now than you are today.  Similarly if you had a tragedy, it would take 1 -2 years to adjust.

3)      VOLUNTARY CHOICES (about 50% of overall happiness).  A) Choices that increase pleasure (ie: a good movie, a fine dining experience, a new outfit) create transient happiness.  B) Choices that increase fulfillment.  1) Choose to make someone else happy.   2) Find and express our creativity especially through manifesting.   Manifesting is the highest form of creativity and creates great joy; it is there all the time.  It’s within me at all times!
these are notes from the same Deepak Chopra lecture... Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to share. I am inspired. Is there a link to this lecture?
