Tuesday, April 9, 2013

“sexiest word in the galaxy?” Day 9 April 9, 2013

Some of you know I’m currently enamored of author Kris Carr.   In her “Crazy Sexy Kitchen” I read about the “sexiest word in the galaxy”.  This is epigenetics.  “Epigenetics teaches us that our genes are not our destiny.  That’s right; that our genes aren’t fixed as previously thought.  They’re fluid, flexible and highly influenced by both our inner and outer environment.  And get this, just because you may have a genetic predisposition for a chronic disease doesn’t mean that the gene will express itself.  The truth is we have more control over our health than we think.”   So just ‘cause your Momma got it (it could be any old disease we think is hereditary) or your Grampa got it does NOT mean you’re gonna get it.  If you change your path, your inner and outer environment, you may change your genetic leaning…

Look at your inner/outer environment and think about how you can enhance them.   We are all happily doing one thing with this cleanse.
I try to focus on consuming mostly local/organic produce for my micronutrients (which I am going to start calling nano nutrients because I prefer the sound)!
Think too about the importance of:
v  Doing some simple meditation exercises, Qi Gong, yoga, movement in general
v  Being in a space that feels good - whatever that means to you!
v  Using clean cleaning products – for your home, body, hair.  Coconut oil is a favorite body lotion, dry hair treatment and if you’re G… deodorant?!?
v  Expressing yourself in a productive fashion– not over or under but just right.  I like a journal to help with this since I tend to be an under-expresser!
Visualize your body at a nano particle level, watch it work its smooth magic and behave perfectly.  Complete a visual body scan as you drift off to sleep and in your mind’s eye watch those fabulous flexible genes do their epigenetic somersaults.  


  1. Actually been wanting to see her movie Crazy Sexy Cancer. Also already replaced all of my personal hygiene items and some of the household cleaning items but may need to re-read labels after watching Chemerical and realizing the labeling for these products is not strictly regulated. Any suggestions are welcome!

    Interesting reads that I came across the other day. While I feel empowered by the actions we take to improve our health, I feel discouraged by the thought that it's all for nothing and big companies like Monsanto will impose their will and force companies like Whole Foods to cave. The last frontier would be the local farmers and our own back yards. A Food Revolution is definitely in order.



  2. The only thing I can add for personal hygiene items is that I try and use food grade "stuff" whenever possible. I know you already do that with coconut oil... Share what you come across and I'll do the same!
