Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cleanse lessons... Day 28

I can't believe the 28 days are done.  Late starters... do not forget the importance of listening to your body and stay in or go back to the phase your body can thrive whilst cleansing.  Ayurveda and Chinese medicine frown a bit on going long periods without eating, and while my energy is good and I'm getting shed loads of nutrients via green juice I have decided to break my juice cleanse tomorrow and not continue for 10 days.  I will likely break the fast with some of those ruby red fragrant strawberries from Rose, "the carrot lady", at the Farmers Market!

Cleanse lessons:
  1. Consume, eat and drink, veggies in abundance.  Make them the base of my food pyramid.
  2. Chew really well.  "Those people" who suggest chewing your food until it liquefies are on to something.  Chewing well, because your saliva mixes with the food, starts the digestion process thus streamlining the complicated endeavor of well digested food!
  3. On an emotional level with food, I do NOT need as much food as I think or desire or like and if I stay within the 80% full zone I avoid increasing greed.  I'll try and remember that next time I'm faced with an amazing feast.
  4. SPROUTS!  How could I have forgotten to grow and consume these regularly?  They are tasty, satisfying, nutritious, and a great source of vegan protein that we can grow ourselves for pennies.  Plus they are high in vitamin C!?!  Additionally because they are a living food they are super easy to digest.  We've been sprouting mung beans and lentils and I'm able to purchase sunflower sprouts/greens in bulk locally. But even though these are live and easily digested, one must CHEW!
So... on that note happy cleansing and let me know what lessons you've learned for yourself that you will bring along!

Thanks for joining me on the adventure....  I will be experimenting with other mini cleasnes before next years big spring clean and shall keep you posted so stay tuned.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

DAY 27 Going going gone....

Going going gone... hard to believe that "it's" almost over.  I feel remarkably good: clean, clear, light, bright and truly euphoric!  G came out of juice only today based on a comment from our acupuncturist combined with listening to his body.  I truly still have not decided if I will extend juice only for additional days.  If I choose to extend I want to be sure it's for my health not my ego.  Hmmm... those English peas and asparagus from the farmers market looked remarkably tasty.  Consume food Monday vs food Thursday?  The cleanse party is quiet.... perhaps, like me, they are ruminating on their most valuable cleanse lessons?  I'll get back to you on that!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Yowsa! Day 24... or day 3 of NO FOOD!

After I got through that challenging day 1 of phase 4 I'm feeling mighty fine!  I am re-convinced I will consume just juice for 10 days, rather than 7, a' la "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead".  G suggested miso soup instead of the cooked veggie broth we had last year and I jumped on that warm delicious soup wagon yesterday.  A lovely soothing evening treat, miso, because it's fermented, contains good belly flora probiotics.  If you choose this path, be sure that you are getting a good quality non GMO miso paste, then sip and ENJOY.

I found a lovely new blog: and don't forget the fabulous and inspiring with amazing recipes and photos. 

Happy cleansing and keep green juicing!

Monday, April 22, 2013

oh yeah... editorial comment about phase 3 for anyone still in that realm!

Because I went silet for so long, I realize looking back it might be beneficial to metnion how I sorted out my 1 meal/day during phase 3.  I started out having the meal in the evening and decided early afternoon, when possible, worked well.  It is a personal preference... G had his one meal late-ish in the evening and liked that.

Day 22 and I've been neglectful!!!

April 22 2013 and I'm nearly done with the first day of phase 4!?!?!  As usual, my first day of each new phase is a bit "painful" and typically that pain is a pinched headache feeling.  Additionally, I feel a bit dull.  In keeping with last years eve of phase 4 launch we watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and felt VERY inspired.  So inspired that I thought, "I'm gonna stretch my 7 days into 10 days" of juice only.  Maybe I should watch it again tonight based on how uninspired I feel at this moment!   One day at a time right?

I did invent a new "treat" drink today to mix things up.  I took a bundle of fresh mint I'd gotten at the farmers market, because it looked and smelled delightful, and tossed it into a large stainless bowl with a big pinch of stevia leaf and poured boiling water over it.  After it steeped for a while, I filtered and chilled it and had a delicious fresh minty herbal beverage.  I realize this will work with hibiscus flowers (Jamaica) or any teas - preferably loose; herbal or otherwise for a delicious sugar free and healthy drink.  In addition to helping control blood sugar, dried stevia leaf, (not the refined white powder) is said to help lower cholesterol & blood pressure as well as boost your immune system.

So Happy Cleansing... be in your moment!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Phase 3 already? Day 16!!!

Here we are on day 16 and the time is really just flying by.  Other than my emotional breakdown last week, this cleanse has been pretty smooth.  G had a bit of a struggle with low energy yesterday, day 1 of phase 3 but seems back to his normal today. We've elected to have our 1 meal in the evening, and that seems to work well.  We both notice we are tired at the end of the day but I noticed the last 2 nights that my sleep is better/deeper.
Some of y'all are doing spectacularly well turning from temptations that are looming right in front of you (chocolate tasting, deep dish pizza, gorgeous chef prepared meal(s)), ... Carry on and keep up the good work!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 14 some are done and I'm finally feeling in the zone!

The 14 day-ers are on their last day.  If that's you and you're done, think about backing out of the cleanse sort of how you came into it. 
The 28 day-ers are half way there and I'm just now starting to feel the deeper effects.  I'm feeling lighter (finally) & enthused about eating this way forever - which of course is slightly unlikely!  I feel calm and smooth.
Tomorrow begins my phase 3.  I'm not 100% sure about what time I will eat my one meal.  I do know more green juice is in order. 
Not shed-loads of feedback from the group other than it's HARD!  And it is HARD, but it's getting slightly easier for me?!?!  We shall see.  The 1st day of each new phase is the day I feel most likely to do something drastic, like toss my computer out the car window or rip all of my hair out or perhaps the hair of someone else... I'll let you know if my current calm smooth mood can withstand the first day of the new phase!
Happy Cleansing!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 11 and a not so gentle reminder...

I know I've read that cleansing symptoms can include emotional upheaval.  In the past I've only experienced irritation - yes more than usual!  Yesterday was a ROUGH day for me.  I felt almost manic as I smiled and laughed with a customer and then in my car was suddenly sobbing.  What's up with that? 
I took this torturous day as a reminder that each ride (cleanse) is different and to experience it fully I need to be present without expectations.  Speaking of expectations... at this point in the cleanse the number on the scale is NOT reflecting the reduction I was hoping for... so I am also reminded that a cleanse is about cleaning NOT just losing some pounds.   So rather than obsess over the number on the scale I'm reminded to focus on healthy foods & activities that make me feel good and happy and energized and non-headachey? 
Enough being reminded, now I will go and do?!?
Happy Cleansing!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

“sexiest word in the galaxy?” Day 9 April 9, 2013

Some of you know I’m currently enamored of author Kris Carr.   In her “Crazy Sexy Kitchen” I read about the “sexiest word in the galaxy”.  This is epigenetics.  “Epigenetics teaches us that our genes are not our destiny.  That’s right; that our genes aren’t fixed as previously thought.  They’re fluid, flexible and highly influenced by both our inner and outer environment.  And get this, just because you may have a genetic predisposition for a chronic disease doesn’t mean that the gene will express itself.  The truth is we have more control over our health than we think.”   So just ‘cause your Momma got it (it could be any old disease we think is hereditary) or your Grampa got it does NOT mean you’re gonna get it.  If you change your path, your inner and outer environment, you may change your genetic leaning…

Look at your inner/outer environment and think about how you can enhance them.   We are all happily doing one thing with this cleanse.
I try to focus on consuming mostly local/organic produce for my micronutrients (which I am going to start calling nano nutrients because I prefer the sound)!
Think too about the importance of:
v  Doing some simple meditation exercises, Qi Gong, yoga, movement in general
v  Being in a space that feels good - whatever that means to you!
v  Using clean cleaning products – for your home, body, hair.  Coconut oil is a favorite body lotion, dry hair treatment and if you’re G… deodorant?!?
v  Expressing yourself in a productive fashion– not over or under but just right.  I like a journal to help with this since I tend to be an under-expresser!
Visualize your body at a nano particle level, watch it work its smooth magic and behave perfectly.  Complete a visual body scan as you drift off to sleep and in your mind’s eye watch those fabulous flexible genes do their epigenetic somersaults.  

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cleanse symptoms? What cleanse symptoms? Day 6

I am absolutely having cleanse symptoms?!?!  I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s not as though I’ve never done one of these!  I woke up this morning with SUPER achey hip joints and my low back is resistant to bending.  I consumed 100% raw food these last two days and I think that’s too much for me at this point.   So I’m going to add back in some cooked veggies and perhaps an egg or two.

Progress not perfection!   Don't remember where I read this but I've added it to my personal mantra.  Feel free to add it to yours...  We all want to strive to do the best that we can for our body temple AND if you strive and make progress, pat yourself on the back, do a happy dance, squeal with delight or smimply SMILE.  Perfection is a vague, potentially dissatisfying and somehow frightful way to set ourselves up for failure or disappointment.
I love and agree with Krystilla’s comment “My increased veggie intake alone has already made a big difference in the way I feel. Part of this cleanse, is re-starting good habits and taking a month to be extra mindful of treating the body with respect.”  With that in mind, think now about what you are starting or re-starting that you will want to keep in your life/diet throughout and after the cleanse.  Thanks Krystilla!

14 day folks get ready to launch into phase 3 effective tomorrow.  28 day-ers… phase 2 starts on Monday.
Happy cleansing!

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5, 2013... Day 5 What will I eat on the cleanse?

I re-read “about food” from the cleanse manual and a few things seem worthy of repeating:

During the cleanse its best to eat foods which do not interfere with your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and waste products.  Most health authorities agree that raw vegetables and fruits (fresh and organic if possible) are the foods that best accomplish this house cleaning.  If you are or may be suffering from Candida, avoid zealous fruit consumption.  Fruits are said to be cleansing and vegetables are said to be building.  *** REMINDER*** Nuts and seeds should be raw and soaked in water overnight to begin the germination process thus making them easier to digest. 

Sprouters… don’t forget your sprouts!  G and I have been consuming vast quantities and find them very satisfying.  We are currently sprouting a green/brown lentil mix, mung beans and black beluga lentils on their own.  Maybe sprouts are what turned Ann Wigmore’s’ grey hair brown?!?

You can drink nearly unlimited amounts of freshly prepared vegetable juice throughout the day and throughout all phases.  My current favorite, based on what's available at the Farmers Market is: Romaine lettuce, kale, parsley, cilantro (yes it was a mistake the first time but we love it), celery, carrots - including tops, (sometimes beet &/or turnip greens - in moderation since they are strongly flavored), lemons, apples and ginger.  G drinks at least 16 ounces/day and I usually have 32+ to help build my still slightly puny blood!  You'll find the green juice almost makes you feel... high!  If you don't have a juicer I think blended green drinks are worthy.  You won't get the instant infusion that juice gives you but you'll sure get plenty of goodness and fiber too!

Happy juicing and keep up the good work!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3 and it seems so uneventful?!?!

I'm surprised at how everyday this cleanse feels so far?!?! 
Yes, the downloads are more frequent!
Yes, I'm feeling less like a puffer fish and my rings are getting loose again...
oh... Yeah, I'm starting to get green juice euphoria.  Or am I just hanging out in veggie heaven?  I am consciously upping my vegetable consumption, both raw and cooked, as well as chewing with awareness.  As G says, chewing well brings out the sweetness of the food. 

Today's favorite was cauliflower, asparagus and zuchini (the first zuke I've seen this season) chopped to similar sizes and sauteed in coconut oil.  Start with the hardest veg and end with the softest.  When they are barely cooked, that's how I like them, I sprinkle a bit of Celtic sea salt (don't know why it's better on these than the pink Himalayan salt) and enjoy with an egg or two or hemp seeds for protein.  DELICIOUS!

While some may have had a rough or delayed start, those of you I've heard from seem to be getting in the groove!  Congratulations... if you are on the 14 day plan, and if your body says AOK you can move on to phase two and up your herbs to 2 times/day.

Happy cleansing!

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1 2013 and it aint no joke!

Day 1 April 2013

Day one is nearly done and I’m excited and enthused and glad that I feel better than I started out this morning.  For some reason I’ve been feeling face aching sinus headaches that seem to lean in the direction of migraine pain for days…  I’m sure having a bit of excess refined sugar in the past week didn’t help?!?!   However, I’m feeling green juice happier now and am looking forward to steering this body back to its temple status throughout the month.   Speaking of temple status, I’ve been reminded of the importance of spiritual, mental emotional/thoughtful elements of a cleanse… meditation, yoga, qi gong & perhaps journal writing… pick a little something from this list, or make up your own, to make the journey even more powerful.   I’m sure euphoria is right around the corner!  Right?